
Putus Asa lalu Bangkit Lagi

ASSALAMU'ALAIKUM WR. WB. Di tulisan kali ini, Reno mau cerita-cerita aja nih tentang siapa dan cita-cita atau mimpi Reno. Jadi nama lengkapnya Renovhya Wisudany Agitha Sutrisno, umur 20 tahun udah tua yak, Reno salah satu mahasiswi di IAIN Palangka Raya yang ngambil jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris semester 6. Nah, jadi Reno tinggal di Palangka Raya sendirian, ngekost. Sebenarnya, setelah lulus SMA, aku itu ga mau kuliah melainkan pengen langsung kerja dan cita-cita Reno dulu itu mau jadi Polwan. Pernah ikut tesnya tapi gagal, waktu itu berharap besar banget bisa lulus tapi ga lulus. Jujur, sakit hati dan kecewa. Sampai akhirnya, pamah (papah & mamah) nyuruh aku kuliah, aku ngikut aja. Akhirnya aku kuliah dan aku sadar dulu waktu SMA pernah ngomong ga mau jadi guru eh tau2 aku kuliah lulusan guru cuy.. ga nyangka aja gitu, jadi kemakan omongan sendiri. Awalnya bingung Reno ini mau jadi apa gitu loh, soalnya buat jadi Polwan kayanya ga mungkin lagi, ga sem


Grammar Exam Today yey!

Today , i was in exam. Grammar exam. With thirty minutes given to answer the question is enough for me, may be. But, it broke all, nervous came to me. In spite of i'm trying to focus, my mind is still blocked. Because of getting nervous, i can't thinking. It was a worst moment. If i can get more than 30 minutes, i'll finish all the questions. However, alhamdulillah a half are able to answer. I hope get very good grade, even if I was starving when finishing the exam last day.  Bye bye.


Assalammu'alaikum wr.wb In Islam, there is a duty which all moslem must do it. As we know, if an obligation does not do, it means we'll have sin and if we do it, so we'll get merit. And the duty is prayer. Prayer in Islam has five kinds of prayers. Those are Subuh, Dzuhur, Ashar, Maghrib and Isya prayer. When do the prayer, we able to do it at home or mosque. But, wherever you prayer it's no matter provided you are very sincere. Do prayer together is better, because we able to get much merit. A peace will come to our life if we do prayer well and one last thing, don't leave prayer. Thanks.

Car Free Day Last Week

Car Free Day (CFD) which is being society routine activity usually held in big circle Palangkaraya. People who come to the CFD are local people. On days when I went to car free day I met a very special woman. She is governor's wife in Central Kalimantan province. Then I asked her to take a picture with me. After that, my friend and I go around the circle where people came to see the event there. I'm so glad met Ma'am Ivo, yes the governor's wife. She is so pretty ❤

Time Management

When someone want to do his/her schedule, it must be managing first. Then it will be perfect. It is important to manage time so that all of activities can be done. In spite of that the fact many people ignore it.  Because of this carelessness a lot of people especially students aren't finishing their works. Due to students commonly wasting time with useless things, so they are only get nothing. Keep my words, when you stuck in laziness you will lose, while many people are run to get success. You should fight the laziness and make your own time management, so you're gonna be the success one.


Cooking is one of habit that everyone do everyday.  I want to tell about how important  cooking is. In our daily life we need energy to do all of activities. Where we can get it? Eat. And we have to cook to fill our need. Another one,  we're able to develop our cooking's skill. I suggest  following cooking contest if you have terrific cooking talent. The last one is cooking can be the most favorite hobby. It is fun to do while we are feeling bored or like to cook.